Results for 'Cultural Production : Learning to Be Cool'

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  1. Gathering the godless: intentional "communities" and ritualizing ordinary life. Section Three.Cultural Production : Learning to Be Cool, or Making Due & What We Do - 2015 - In Anthony B. Pinn (ed.), Humanism: essays on race, religion and cultural production. London: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
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    Cultural Production of a Decolonial Imaginary for a Young Chicana: Lessons from Mexican Immigrant Working-Class Woman's Culture.Rosario Carrillo, Melissa Moreno & Jill Zintsmaster - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (5):478-502.
    Chicanas and Mexican women share a history of colonialism that has (a) sustained oppressive constructions of gender roles and sexuality, (b) produced and reproduced them as racially inferior and as able to be silenced, conquered, and dominated physically and mentally, and (c) contributed to the exploitation of their labor. Given that colonialism has also come to shape the way young women of Mexican heritage learn in mainstream US schools, informal education from everyday women's conviviality and solidarity becomes a pivotal context (...)
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    Learning to Be Indian”: Historical Narratives and the “Choice” of a Cultural Identity.Sonia Sikka - 2004 - Dialogue 43 (2):339-354.
    RésuméCet article analyse le besoin qu'éprouvent certaines personnes de se «reconnecter», ou renforcer lews liens, à une culture dans laquelle elles n'ont jamais été enchâssées, eu égard aux critères auxquels se mesure généralement un tel enchâssement (langue, valeurs, croyances, modes de vie, coutumes religieuses, etc.). Situant les résultats de son analyse par rapport à la pensée de Kymlicka et autres, il fait valoir que des facteurs tels que les liens de parenté, l'identification à autrui et l'expérience du racisme déterminent largement (...)
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    Learning to be an “american lady”?: Ethnic variation in daughters' pursuits in the early 1900s.Sharon Sassler - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (1):184-209.
    Studies of acculturation generally assume a similar process for men and women. Historically, the spectrum of young adults' activities was broader for women than for men, including domestic work in the home and labor force participation or school attendance. Using cross-sectional data from the 1910 Census Public Use Sample, this article applies a gendered critique of assimilation theory to explore ethnic differences in daughters' activities. Generational changes in daughters' pursuits reflect middle-class norms of women's domesticity. The findings highlight gender roles (...)
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    Is Cooperation a Maladaptive By-product of Social Learning? The Docility Hypothesis Reconsidered.Olivier Morin - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (3):286-295.
    The docility hypothesis holds that human social learning produces genuinely altruistic behaviors as a maladaptive by-product. This article examines five possible sources of such altruistic mistakes. The first two mechanisms, the smoke-detector principle and the cost-accuracy tradeoff, are not specifically linked to social learning. Both predict that it may be adaptive for cooperators to allow some altruistic mistakes to happen, as long as those mistakes are rare and cost little. The other three mechanisms are specific to social (...): Through culture, individuals may come to adopt altruistic norms selected at the group level. Culture may provide people with cheap, accessible, but occasionally mediocre information that they are too reliant upon—a kind of informational dumping. Lastly, people may copy sources good to follow in one domain but not in another, thus committing calibration errors. I argue that those sources of errors are unlikely to lead to important amounts of altruism toward non-kin. Experimental evidence shows humans to be sufficiently skeptical, discriminative, and conscious of their own interest to avoid such altruistic mistakes in most cases. Docile altruism is unlikely to be an important aspect of human cooperation. (shrink)
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    Producers’ transition to alternative food practices in rural China: social mobilization and cultural reconstruction in the formation of alternative economies.Qian Forrest Zhang - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-16.
    The shift from the conventional agri-food system to alternative practices is a challenging transition for agricultural producers, yet surprisingly under-studied. Little research has examined the social and cultural processes in rural communities that mobilize producers and construct and sustain producer-driven alternative food networks (AFNs). For AFNs to go beyond just offering “alternative foods” or “alternative networks” and to be constructed as “alternative economies”, this transformation in the producer community is indispensable. This paper presents a case study of a rural (...)
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    The Cool Brand, Affective Activism and Japanese Youth.Anne Allison - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (2-3):89-111.
    Japanese youth goods have become globally popular over the past 15 years. Referred to as `cool', their contribution to the national economy has been much hyped under the catchword Japan's `GNC'. While this new national brand is indebted to youth — youth are the intended consumers for such products and sometimes the creators — young Japanese today are also chastised for not working hard, failing at school and work, and being insufficiently productive or reproductive. Using the concept of immaterial (...)
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    Market Rebels: How Activists Make or Break Radical Innovations.Hayagreeva Rao - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    Great individuals are assumed to cause the success of radical innovations--thus Henry Ford is depicted as the one who established the automobile industry in America. Hayagreeva Rao tells a different story, one that will change the way you think about markets forever. He explains how "market rebels"--activists who defy authority and convention--are the real force behind the success or failure of radical innovations. Rao shows how automobile enthusiasts were the ones who established the new automobile industry by staging highly publicized (...)
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    Neurosciences Applied to Action Interpretation. Epistemological conflicting perspectives for infant social learning.Emiliano Loria - 2017 - InCircolo. Rivista di Filosofia E Culture 4:35-54.
    In the last decades neuroscience provided so many important contributions to philosophy of mind that nowadays the latter is inconceivable without the former in every topic this philosophical branch deals with. The studies connected to action understanding provided great advances in the field of developmental psychology for what concerns social learning abilities grounded on imitation. All information received by the infants are transmitted through actions. It would be impossible to conceive infant imitation without action interpretation. According to Meltzoff’s “like-me” (...)
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    Self–other relations and the rationality of cultures.Paul Healy - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (6):61-83.
    As attested by Taylor, Calhoun and others, recognition is central to (cultural) identity and to a related sense of self-worth. In contrast, by denying the comparable worth of other cultures, non-recognition represents a potentially damaging mode of intercultural relations. Although not widely acknowledged, a related consideration has been at issue in the rationality debate, initiated by Peter Winch, throughout its several phases. Briefly stated, the problem is that the polarized alternatives of ethnocentric universalism and self-sealing relativism that have characterized (...)
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    Homo Novus: Learning to Being Renewed.Amélé Adamavi-Aho Ekué - 2022 - Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 1:149-173.
    This contribution anchors the topic of transformative education in the discussion of human renewal. It posits that transformative education can only be perceived as an endeavour that encompasses the whole human being and the potential of humans to change and to adopt different perspectives on seeing and being in the world. The motif of the new human being (homo novus), as per the argument presented, can serve to develop a meaningful conceptual and praxis-related framework for education. Especially when considered against (...)
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    ‘Frequent Sipping’: Bottled Water, the Will to Health and the Subject of Hydration.Kane Race - 2012 - Body and Society 18 (3-4):72-98.
    This article examines how the formation of markets in bottled water has relied on assembling a particular subject: the subject of hydration. The discourse of hydration is a conspicuous feature of efforts to market bottled water, allowing companies to appeal to scientifically framed principles and ideas of health in order to position the product as an essential component in self-health and healthy lifestyles. Alongside related principles, such as the ‘8 × 8 rule’, hydration has done much to establish new practices (...)
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    Cultural Transmission, Evolution, and Revolution in Vocal Displays: Insights From Bird and Whale Song.Ellen C. Garland & Peter K. McGregor - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:544929.
    Culture, defined as shared behavior or information within a community acquired through some form of social learning from conspecifics, is now suggested to act as a second inheritance system. Cultural processes are important in a wide variety of vertebrate species. Birdsong provides a classic example of cultural processes: cultural transmission, where changes in a shared song are learned from surrounding conspecifics, and cultural evolution, where the patterns of songs change through time. This form of (...) transmission of information has features that are different in speed and form from genetic transmission. More recently, culture, vocal traditions and an extreme form of song evolution has been documented in cetaceans. Humpback whale song ‘revolutions’, where the single population-wide shared song type is rapidly replaced by a new, novel song type introduced from a neighbouring population, represents an extraordinary example of ocean basin-wide cultural transmission rivalled in its geographic extent only by humans. In this review, we examine the cultural evolutions and revolutions present in some birdsong and whale song, respectively. By taking a comparative approach to these cultural processes, we review the existing evidence to understand the similarities and differences for their patterns of expression and the underlying drivers, including anthropogenic influences, which may shape them. Finally, we encourage future studies to explore the role of innovation vs. production errors in song evolution, the fitness information present in song, and how human-induced changes in population sizes, trajectories and migratory connections facilitating cultural transmission may be driving song revolutions. (shrink)
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    Reasons to be fussy about cultural evolution.Olivier Morin - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (3):447-458.
    This discussion paper responds to two recent articles in Biology and Philosophy that raise similar objections to cultural attraction theory, a research trend in cultural evolution putting special emphasis on the fact that human minds create and transform their culture. Both papers are sympathetic to this idea, yet both also regret a lack of consilience with Boyd, Richerson and Henrich’s models of cultural evolution. I explain why cultural attraction theorists propose a different view on three points (...)
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    ‘One door closes, a next door opens up somewhere’: The learning of one Olympic synchronised swimmer.Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Dean Barker, Steven Rynne & Jessica Lee - 2012 - .
    Although training in sport is necessary to reach Olympic status, a conditioned body is not the only outcome. Athletes also learn how to be Olympians. This learning involves taking on certain ways of acting, thinking and valuing. Such learning has implications beyond competition, as athletes eventually retire from elite sport and devote their time to other activities. This paper examines processes of learning and transition using the case of Amelia, a former Olympic synchronised swimmer. Through two in-depth (...)
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    Cancel Culture and the Trope of the Scapegoat: A Girardian Defense of the Importance of Contemplative Reading.Joakim Wrethed - 2022 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 29 (1):15-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cancel Culture and the Trope of the ScapegoatA Girardian Defense of the Importance of Contemplative ReadingJoakim Wrethed (bio)What unfolds in this article encompasses violence, language/reading, and ethics. René Girard addresses these topics primarily in terms of mimesis, its potential violence, and the trope of the scapegoat. Still, toward the end of his career and life, he relentlessly pointed out the dangers implicated in the dynamism of these forces. He (...)
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    The pedagogical contract: the economies of teaching and learning in the ancient world.Yun Lee Too - 2000 - Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
    The Pedagogical Contract explores the relationship between teacher and student and argues for ways of reconceiving pedagogy. It discloses this relationship as one that since antiquity has been regarded as a scene of give-and-take, where the teacher exchanges knowledge for some sort of payment by the student and where pedagogy always runs the risk of becoming a broken contract. The book seeks to liberate teaching and learning from this historical scene and the anxieties that it engenders, arguing that there (...)
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    The renaissance of traditional chinese learning.Shuguang Zhang - 2010 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 5 (2):237-254.
    Under the influence of Western learning, there was a revival in the study of “traditional Chinese learning.” It moved from the “center” to the “edge” after its ideological sanctity was eliminated in modern times. Traditional Chinese learning is still a vital force, however. Traditional Chinese culture emphasizes the productive and social “relationships” and the harmonious “whole,” as well as the Chinese efforts to control their own fate. Traditional Chinese learning revolves around the idea of “human beings,” (...)
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    Learning Organisations: The Process of Innovation and Technological Change. [REVIEW]V. P. Kharbanda - 2002 - AI and Society 16 (1-2):89-99.
    In the present scenario of globalisation, knowledge has become the prime factor of production for competitive advantage. This calls for acquisition and utilisation of knowledge for innovation and technical change on a constant basis, which is only possible in a ‘learning organisation’. Innovative activities of a learning organisation are influenced by three main factors: (1) internal learning; (2) external learning; and (3) the innovation strategies decided upon by the enterprise management. An assumption has been made (...)
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    Welcome to the Pharmacy: Addiction, Transcendence, and Virtual Reality.Ann Weinstone - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (3):77-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Welcome To The Pharmacy: Addiction, Transcendence, and Virtual RealityAnn Weinstone (bio)1. The Question of Addiction and TranscendenceIt has become a truism to say that virtual reality (VR) is addictive. Case, the protagonist of William Gibson’s Neuromancer, dreams of connection to the net like a junkie jonesing for a fix. In Jeff Noon’s novel Vurt, you get to cyberspace by tickling the back of your throat with addictive, government-produced feathers. (...)
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    Inventing Laziness: The Culture of Productivity in Late Ottoman Society.Melis Hafez - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Neither laziness nor its condemnation are new inventions, however, perceiving laziness as a social condition that afflicts a 'nation' is. In the early modern era, Ottoman political treatises did not regard the people as the source of the state's problems. Yet in the nineteenth century, as the imperial ideology of Ottomanism and modern discourses of citizenship spread, so did the understanding of laziness as a social disease that the 'Ottoman nation' needed to eradicate. Asking what we can learn about Ottoman (...)
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    Exploration of Social Benefits for Tourism Performing Arts Industrialization in Culture–Tourism Integration Based on Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Technology.Ruizhi Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    As a product of the tourism performing arts industry in culture–tourism integration development, to develop a featured culture–tourism town is a new trend for tourism development in the new era. To analyze the social benefit of the culture–tourism industry, in this study, an artificial intelligence model for social benefit evaluation is constructed based on backpropagation neural network and fuzzy comprehensive analysis, with Yiyang Town taken as an example. The criterion layer in the model includes three indexes, and the index layer (...)
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    Creating a learning space that is virtual and experiential.Bette E. Schneiderman - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (2):pp. 38-50.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Creating a Learning Space That Is Virtual and ExperientialBette E. Schneiderman (bio)The final product of the Rembrandt Project will be a Web site that is intended primarily for use by middle and high school teachers and their students. It is a celebration of Rembrandt’s work in the contexts of his time, place, and culture and all that may emanate from them. A special feature of the site is (...)
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    Learning to Speak Horse": The Culture of "Natural Horsemanship.Lynda Birke - 2007 - Society and Animals 15 (3):217-239.
    This paper examines the rise of what is popularly called "natural horsemanship" , as a definitive cultural change within the horse industry. Practitioners are often evangelical about their methods, portraying NH as a radical departure from traditional methods. In doing so, they create a clear demarcation from the practices and beliefs of the conventional horse-world. Only NH, advocates argue, properly understands the horse. Dissenters, however, contest the benefits to horses as well as the reliance in NH on disputed concepts (...)
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  25. The Dialogic and the Aesthetic: Some Reflections on Theatre as a Learning Medium.Tony June 12- Jackson - 2005 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (4):104-118.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Dialogic and the Aesthetic:Some Reflections on Theatre as a Learning MediumAnthony Jackson (bio)A Doll's House will be as flat as ditchwater when A Midsummer Night's Dream will still be as fresh as paint; but it will have done more work in the world; and that is enough for the highest genius, which is always intensely utilitarian.— George Bernard Shaw, "The Problem Play"1People have tried for centuries to (...)
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    Being There: Learning to Live Cross‐Culturally. Sarah H. Davis and Melvin Konner, eds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2011. vii + 260pp. [REVIEW]Jean L. Briggs - 2012 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 40 (4):1-3.
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    Leading a culture of learning: how to improve student attainment, progress and wellbeing.Jill Harland - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    This practical book is designed to help school leaders develop a sustainable culture of learning across the curriculum. It offers a personal insight into how one school embraced a range of dialogic and analytical tools to create an environment in which all stakeholders were inspired to evaluate and innovate. Each chapter tackles one piece of the 'jigsaw' that makes up a successful school environment, considering topics such as Attitudes for Learning, Coaching for learning and Love of (...). Utilising theory, case studies and activities, it illustrates how the reader can realistically and practically increase student attainment in their own school setting. This book will help leaders: Develop a supportive and encouraging leadership style that will create a cycle of self-improvement and self-efficacy for all ; Adapt the curriculum to focus on progress and engagement ; Use the Philosophy 4 Children strategies to promote deeper thinking and enquiry, increasing the rate of school improvement through a system of enquiry based staff professional development Using an inner city primary school as a working example, this book will be a source of inspiration and encouragement for school leaders, teachers and school advisors looking to cultivate and embed a love of learning into their school. (shrink)
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    The Opinion of Teachers of Religious Culture and Ethics Course About Subject-Based Classroom Application.Şefika Mutlu - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1209-1234.
    This study aims to determine the opinions of teachers of Religious Culture and Ethics Course (DKAB) about subject-based classroom application in-depth. The research has been carried from qualitative research methods with a case study design. In order to determine the working group of the study, criteria sampling was used in the first stage, and the maximum diversity sampling method was used in the next step. The sample of this research consists of 8 DKAB teachers working in Ankara province. A semi-structured (...)
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    Foreigners in Pre-Modernity: On Losses of Negatability and Gains of Unfamiliarity.Peter Strohschneider - 2019 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 8 (2):103-135.
    The essay draws on the concept of ‘asymmetric counter-concepts’ as developed by Reinhart Koselleck starting with twin-formulas such as ‘the familiar and the unfamiliar’ which are generally used to establish collective des­ignations of the self and others and which institutionalize the axiological and the epistemological. These counter-concepts can have different semantic temperatures. The focus is on the underlying meaning-production schemes which produce value-asymmetries. The essay tries to show that a process of heating up these value-asymmetries is only one side (...)
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    A computational model of the cultural co-evolution of language and mindreading.Marieke Woensdregt, Chris Cummins & Kenny Smith - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1347-1385.
    Several evolutionary accounts of human social cognition posit that language has co-evolved with the sophisticated mindreading abilities of modern humans. It has also been argued that these mindreading abilities are the product of cultural, rather than biological, evolution. Taken together, these claims suggest that the evolution of language has played an important role in the cultural evolution of human social cognition. Here we present a new computational model which formalises the assumptions that underlie this hypothesis, in order to (...)
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    The Biomimicry Revolution: Learning from Nature how to Inhabit the Earth.Henry Dicks - 2023 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Modernity is founded on the belief that the world we build is a human invention, not a part of nature. The ecological consequences of this idea have been catastrophic. We have laid waste to natural ecosystems, replacing them with fundamentally unsustainable human designs. With time running out to address the environmental crises we have caused, our best path forward is to turn to nature for guidance. In this book, Henry Dicks explores the philosophical significance of a revolutionary approach to sustainable (...)
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  32. Culture in whales and dolphins.Luke Rendell & Hal Whitehead - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):309-324.
    Studies of animal culture have not normally included a consideration of cetaceans. However, with several long-term field studies now maturing, this situation should change. Animal culture is generally studied by either investigating transmission mechanisms experimentally, or observing patterns of behavioural variation in wild populations that cannot be explained by either genetic or environmental factors. Taking this second, ethnographic, approach, there is good evidence for cultural transmission in several cetacean species. However, only the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops) has been shown experimentally (...)
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    Leading a school culture of learning: how to improve attainment, progress and wellbeing.Jill Harland - 2021 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This practical book is designed to help school leaders develop a sustainable culture of learning across the curriculum. It offers a personal insight into how one school embraced a range of dialogic and analytical tools to create an environment in which all stakeholders were inspired to evaluate and innovate. Each chapter tackles one piece of the 'jigsaw' that makes up a successful school environment, considering topics such as Attitudes for Learning, Coaching for learning and Love of (...). Utilising theory, case studies and activities, it illustrates how the reader can realistically and practically increase student attainment in their own school setting. This book will help leaders: Develop a supportive and encouraging leadership style that will create a cycle of self-improvement and self-efficacy for all ; Adapt the curriculum to focus on progress and engagement ; Use the Philosophy 4 Children strategies to promote deeper thinking and enquiry, increasing the rate of school improvement through a system of enquiry based staff professional development Using an inner city primary school as a working example, this book will be a source of inspiration and encouragement for school leaders, teachers and school advisors looking to cultivate and embed a love of learning into their school. (shrink)
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    Youth, Education, and the Role of Society: Rethinking Learning in the High School Years.Robert Halpern - 2013 - Harvard Education Press.
    __Youth, Education, and the Role of Society_ examines the “learning landscape” currently available to American adolescents, arguing that we need to expand, enrich, and diversify the learning opportunities available to young people today._ Central to the book is Robert Halpern’s view that we depend too exclusively on schools to meet the full range of young people’s developmental needs. “High school learning as typically structured is just too fragmented, isolated, and abstract to meet young people’s developmental needs,” he (...)
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    Machine Learning to Assess Relatedness: The Advantage of Using Firm-Level Data.Giambattista Albora & Andrea Zaccaria - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    The relatedness between a country or a firm and a product is a measure of the feasibility of that economic activity. As such, it is a driver for investments at a private and institutional level. Traditionally, relatedness is measured using networks derived by country-level co-occurrences of product pairs, that is counting how many countries export both. In this work, we compare networks and machine learning algorithms trained not only on country-level data, but also on firms, which is something not (...)
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    Response to Louise Pascale, "Dispelling the Myth of the Non-Singer: Embracing Two Aesthetics for Singing".Vicki R. Lind - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (2):200-202.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Louise Pascale, “Dispelling the Myth of the Non-Singer: Embracing Two Aesthetics for Singing”Vicki R. LindIn "Dispelling the Myth of the Non-Singer: Embracing Two Aesthetics for Singing," Louise Pascale explores classroom teachers' beliefs about singing. Specifically, she looks at possible reasons why many classroom teachers who have been raised in the Western traditions of music-making do not feel comfortable singing. As a vocal music education professor and an (...)
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    The Cumulative Quality of Culture Explains Human Uniqueness.Cristine Legare - 2023 - Zygon 58 (2):443-453.
    What explains the unique features of human culture? Culture is not uniquely human, but human culture is uniquely cumulative. Cumulative culture is a product of our collective intelligence and is supported by cognitive processes and learning strategies that enable people to acquire, transform, and transmit information and technologies within and across generations. Technological and social innovations are currently driving unprecedented changes in cultural complexity and diversity. Innovation is a cognitively and socially complex, multistep process that typically requires (cumulative) (...)
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    Walter Benjamin's antifascist education: from riddles to radio.Tyson E. Lewis - 2020 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Walter Benjamin's Antifascist Education is the first comprehensive analysis of educational themes across the entirety of the critical theorist's diverse writings. Starting with Benjamin's early reflections on teaching and learning, Tyson E. Lewis argues that the aesthetic and cultural forms to which Benjamin so often turned-namely, radio broadcasts, children's theatrical productions, collections, cityscapes, public cinemas, and word games-swell with educational potentialities. What emerges from Lewis's reading is a constellational curriculum composed of minor practices such as poor teaching, absentminded (...)
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    A Cultural-Historical Approach to Learning in Classrooms.Mariane Hedegaard - 2004 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 6 (1):21-34.
    The basic conception of this paper is to conceptualise learning as a change in relation between a person and the world through change in his/her capacity for tool use and interpretation of artefacts. Further this relation has to be defined within a context (state, societal field, institutional practice and person’s activity). Both context and tool/artefact have to be seen as objectification of human needs and intentions already invested with cognitive and affective content.
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    Handbook of Popular Culture and Biomedicine: Knowledge in the Life Sciences as Cultural Artefact.Arno Görgen, German Alfonso Nunez & Heiner Fangerau (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This handbook explores the ways biomedicine and pop culture interact while simultaneously introducing the reader with the tools and ideas behind this new field of enquiry. From comic books to health professionals, from the arts to genetics, from sci-fi to medical education, from TV series to ethics, it offers different entry points to an exciting and central aspect of contemporary culture: how and what we learn about scientific knowledge and its representation in pop culture. Divided into three sections the handbook (...)
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    Cultural Evolutionary Psychology as Generalization by Recursion.Karim Baraghith & Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla - forthcoming - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie:1-20.
    Cultural evolutionary psychology (CEP) accounts for the cultural evolution of cognition. It is based on evolutionary psychology and cultural evolutionary theory and aims at a synthetic attempt which is achieved by what we want to call ‘generalization by recursion’. We argue in this paper that the evolutionary psychology program as a whole could greatly benefit from CEP’s generalization. As we will show, there is one theoretical element in particular, that CEP relevantly generalizes in contrast to its predecessors. (...)
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    Connecting Formal Science Classroom Learning to Community, Culture and Context in India.Sameer Honwad, Erica Jablonski, Eleanor Abrams, Michael Middleton, Ian Hanley, Elaine Marhefka, Claes Thelemarck, Robert Eckert & Ruth Varner - 2019 - In Rekha Koul, Geeta Verma & Vanashri Nargund-Joshi (eds.), Science Education in India: Philosophical, Historical, and Contemporary Conversations. Springer Singapore. pp. 143-162.
    The perception of separation between school and home/community is related to diminished achievement in school and lack of motivation to learn STEM subjects. The National Council of Educational Research and Training is among many research organisations that have strongly recommended that schools bridge the disconnect between school-based knowledge and learners’ everyday knowledge. We designed the SPIRALS curriculum to bridge this gap between formal science and students’ everyday lives. SPIRALS helps students explore community-based practices to learn about science, environmental sustainability and (...)
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  43.  10
    Visual Pedagogy: Media Cultures in and Beyond the Classroom.Brian Goldfarb - 2002 - Duke University Press.
    In classrooms, museums, health clinics and beyond, the educational uses of visual media have proliferated over the past fifty years. Film, video, television, and digital media have been integral to the development of new pedagogical theories and practices, globalization processes, and identity and community formation. Yet, Brian Goldfarb argues, the educational roles of visual technologies have not been fully understood or appreciated. He contends that in order to understand the intersections of new media and learning, we need to recognize (...)
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    Food Ethics: Paul Pojman , 2011, Wadsworth/cengage Learning.Ben Mepham - 2013 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (2):249-251.
    None of us can avoid being interested in food. Our very existence depends on the supply of safe, nutritious foods. It is then hardly surprising that food has become the focus of a wide range of ethical concerns: Is the food we buy safe? Is it produced by means which respect the welfare of animals and sustain the land? Are modern biotechnologies employed in food production immoral? This book addresses such issues by applying ethical principles to many areas of (...)
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    Reconstructing the elderly: A critical analysis of pensions and population policies in an era of demographic ageing.Diana Coole - 2012 - Contemporary Political Theory 11 (1):41-67.
    This article examines recent ageing policies and the way they are framed. Here it identifies underlying but sometimes contradictory narratives of growth and decline. It concludes that the overall aim of such policies is to reconstitute elderly subjectivities, conduct and everyday experience in light of neoliberal ambitions for sustained economic growth and geopolitical anxieties about regional decline nurtured by an unprecedented demographic process of population ageing. As a consequence, the language of inclusion is judged to be of ambiguous value for (...)
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  46. Managing Intolerance to Prevent the Balkanization of Euro-Atlantic Superdiverse Societies.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2020 - In Toleranz als ein Weg zum Frieden. Bonn: pp. 65-76.
    The main thesis of this article is that Western societies risk becoming Balkanized if they confront the superdiversity issue without sound management of intolerance. The Balkanization process has some essential features that allow the use of this term outside the area of origin (namely the Balkan Peninsula). Thus: It always affects a diverse political unit that comprises an inextricable medley of racial, ethnocultural, religious, ideological, or gender identities. It emerges only where neither the hegemony principle nor the confederacy principle can (...)
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    On the study of foreign philosophy in Chinese cultural construction and its future.Wang Xiaochao - 2006 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 1 (2):317-323.
    Since the "Conference on Foreign Philosophy" held in Wuhu in October 1978, the study of foreign philosophy in China has undergone a prosperous stage. This article discusses the significance of the study of foreign philosophy in the context of renovation, transformation and remolding of Chinese contemporary culture, explores the role of the discipline in the context of Chinese cultural construction, and anticipates the future of this discipline. A cross-cultural perspective is needed for a proper understanding of the significance (...)
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    Embodied metacognition: how we feel our hearts to know our minds.John Dorsch - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Edinburgh
    The aim of the present work is to make a plausible case for the phylogenetic origin of self-knowledge, one which is compatible with a prevalent view about its ontogenetic origin, the social-scaffolding view. Essentially, the phylogenetic origin is generally argued to be evaluative metacognition, i.e. a system of cognitive control mechanisms, while the ontogenetic origin is generally argued to be mindreading, i.e. cognitive capacities supporting mental state attribution. So put simply, the present work aims to provide a plausible solution to (...)
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    Stories about teaching, learning, and resilience: no need to be an island.Stephen Piscitelli - 2017 - Atlantic Beach, FL: The Growth and Resilience Network.
    You can find countless books dedicated to student success and resilience. But what about the faculty? What do we do to help college faculty cultivate their professional and personal growth and resilience? During more than three decades as a teacher and workshop facilitator, Steve Piscitelli noticed that many educators can become isolated from their colleagues and their larger institutional culture. They become "islands" disconnected from the potential power of the teaching and learning community. That isolation can affect teaching efficacy (...)
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    Somnio Ergo Sum: Descartes's Three Dreams.W. T. Jones - 1980 - Philosophy and Literature 4 (2):145-162.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:W. T. Jones SOMNIO ERGO SUM: DESCARTES'S THREE DREAMS What is remarkable about Descartes's dreams is not that he dreamed (for even philosophers presumably dream), but that he wrote down a description of his dreams and of his interpretation of them and then kept this record for more than thirty years, until his death.* What is remarkable, in a word, is that this thinker, who prided himself on his (...)
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